Synod Portal

Resources for pastors and persons of contact for the Synod


This page is intended for pastors and Parish Points of Contact for the Synod in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.  It contains resources that will help our Archdiocese to heed Pope Francis’s call to ensure maximum participation.  The Faithful of the Archdiocese are encouraged to contact their local parishes and to check out the Official Archdiocesan Synod page for more information on how to participate in the Synod.

Synod Parish Person of Contact Orientation

This is the presentation given by Jenn Fiduccia from the Catholic Leadership Institute explaining the plan for the Synod preparation process in the Archdiocese of San Francisco.  You can also download the powerpoint presentation in PDF format for your convenience.

Timeline for Parish Persons of Contact

Week of Nov 15
Priest Orientation webinars
Parish Point of Contact names and emails provided

Week of Dec 6
Point of Contact and Key Leadership Orientation webinar (watch here)

January 3
Synodal and Disciple Maker Index Promotion begins (resources here)

January 15 – February 14
Disciple Maker Index opens to all in Archdiocese

February 14
Paper surveys to be sent to CLI

February 26-27
First round of 8, in-person Synod sessions (schedule here)

February 25-March 13
8-10 Virtual Synod Sessions

Weekend of March 5-6
Second round of 8, in-person Synod sessions (schedule here)

March 2022
Results available for all parishes via webinar series

Friday, April 1
Submission of Synod Synthesis to Archdiocese

Resources for Parishes

Announcements (Pulpit, Bulletin)
Social Media
Disciple Maker Index Admin Guides (set up, printing surveys, finding survey links)

Synod Resources